Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

The star which protects Capricorn is Saturn; The god of this horoscope is the god of time, Claudia. The people who effect by this star are reasonable, thoughtful person.Onions will bring happiness.
Lucky color : dark gray and brown. 

Lucky number : 2.
Lucky letters : ‘K’ and ‘T’.
Lucky items are star necklace, pearl earring, doll robot and big size pants.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

The star which protects Aquarius is Uranus; The god of this horoscope is the god of Knowing. The people who effect of this star is a creative person that no one would have expected and they always have new innovations.
The lucky color : blue, green and yellow 
The lucky food : vegetables and salad. 
Lucky number : 5.
Lucky letter : ‘E’ .
Lucky item: ring, jewelry, jeans and skirts.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

The star which protects Pisces is Neptune.Grape and juice will bring you healty. The people who effect by this star are sensitive and spiritual. 
Lucky colors : blue, white and light color. 
Lucky number : 6.
Lucky Letter : ’F’ and ’I’.
Lucky item are ribbons colorful pillow jacket with flower picture.

For your good luck Horoscope