Aries Taurus Gemini

Aries March 21 - April 19

The star which protects Aries is Mars. Aries people are powerful and courage. They always look young and Fearless.
Lucky color : red , orange and gold 
Lucky Food: tomato 
Lucky number:9
Lucky Letter: ’I’ and ‘R;
Lucky Flower: daisy 
Lucky item: scarf and the pants .

Taurus 4th April 20 - May 20

The Stars which protect Taurus is Venus.  Venus
 is the god of love and beauty. So people who is protect by Venus will have cute smile, compassion for all people and great love for everyone
Lucky color: blue, pink and cream 
Lucky Number: 7 
Lucky letters
G’, ‘Y’ 
Lucky food: Seafood Salad 
Lucky Place: Concert hall.
Lucky item: Bib skirt.

Gemini May 21 - June 21


The star which protects Gemini is Mercury. Mercury is the god of dignity. So people who is protect by Mercury will be Talent and ability in writing
Lucky color :yellow, blue and green
Lucky food: lettuce 
Lucky number:4

Luck letter: D’, ‘MLucky item: racing car ,alarm clock and deck jacket

good luck horoscope